(011) 568-4582 info@kamohelo.co.za
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We will help you get out of debt
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Take charge of your finances
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Take charge of your finances

Have you been handed over?

Let us help you with what to do.

You’re in great hands!

We’ve helped countless hardworking individuals like yourself manage and reduce this burden, making the process as smooth and manageable as possible for you.

Would you like to hand over your account?

Get started with us

Let us guide you through the process.

If managing your debt has become overwhelming, Kamohelo Entle is here to help. By handing over your account to us, our experienced team will take the burden off your shoulders.


The strategy to collect on the debtor’s book revolves around KAMOHELO ENTLE’s tried and tested operating system, which is designed for the management of collections along the complete value chain. Our collection system can interface with other systems (account management, financial management, etc.) to gather or supply information in order to execute the collection function across all stages. The contracted team of attorneys and in-house collection agents ensures that workflow processes, collection strategies, and the collection system improve the collection and recoveries process.



KAMOHELO ENTLE has over a decade of experience providing debt collection services to various private and public sector clients. KAMOHELO ENTLE offers a wide range of accounts receivable solutions that encompass the entire accounts receivable value chain. Part of this process includes:

Step 1

Legal Services

Step 2

Account Administration

Step 3

Early Stage Collection

Step 4

Late Stage Collection

Step 5

Legal Collection

Step 6


Step 7

Payment File


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